battle zone

This website is dedicated to the glory of Christ and the youth of Fulkerson Park Baptist Church (Niles, Michigan).

05 September 2006

OK>>>> are you guys thinking??? Are you thinking about thinking :)???

I am trying and I really appreciate the reminder! Here's why:

I was doing this really regularly for about 3 years, this meditating/thinking process. I have started through the Bible about 3 years ago and am only on 2 Samuel. But I had stopped doing it, really accidentally.

But when we were at small group a couple of weeks ago we were talking about how we do our devotions, and I was telling them all that I do this and I realized I wasn't doing it like I used to. So I went back over some of 2 Samuel that I had already read. I also have a chronological bible that I am working through which helps, because I have both passages right there. And this passage is where I ended up pouring over. 2 Sam 24:1-18 and 1Chronicles 21:1-22:1. I am so glad to be back to this process. It is really so fun and it eventually helps me to get 'into' it. I feel like I can understand more of what is going on and put myself there..... The way I do it is that I read and ReREAD the passage over and over. I started this passage before Aug 30th...Not sure when. The details start to jump out. Like when I first read it, I read about the death angel, but just skimmed over it-- BUT come on!! A death angel!!!!! I have to say I have never seen a death angel hovering in the sky with a drawn sword!!!! And I have never seen or heard of, in our day, a death angel that kills 70,0000 people.... This angel was visible (at least to David and Araunah--so some people saw it) ANYWAY eventually it almost plays through my mind like a movie. I really like that part, cuz that is where I can get 'into' it.... And this passage is sooooo fascinating with the death angel, etc....

Soooo I encourage you to try it.... You have to TRY because this isn't easy at first....But this has been the most interesting the Bible has been to me in all my life! :)


Blogger lisatatj said...

I want to comment that I don't think this is the only way to read the Bible...I also value, the quicker reading, or going over bigger chunks, Or pulling out a commentary etc.... This is just my main way of doing it right now

4:35 PM  

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