battle zone

This website is dedicated to the glory of Christ and the youth of Fulkerson Park Baptist Church (Niles, Michigan).

06 September 2006

Are you thinking???

Don't forget when you are thinking about Scripture and God to think of God and things of HIM....Not so much in relation to what this has to do with you or yourself...But who God is, what HE is doing in the passage, etc....

The reason I say this is because I often make this mistake. I read the Bible to see what I need to do, or what God is telling me. That isn't bad, but as a habit I think the better way is to 'see' God in His Word.... Or Jesus, or the Holy Spirit.

Can you give me some questions to ask when thinking of a passage that would help me to 'see' what God is doing or where his attributes/qualities are displayed??


Blogger Dominic said...

Here's what I've been thinking about, I'm like you in that at the beggining of this year I started reading the bible chronilogily and I'm in deuteronomyright now. As I've been reading it I've been seeing all the totally awesome things that God did for israel and how He took care of their every need and more and I started thinking, if I was in their position I would handle it so much better! I would be more than happy to do what God told me. I wouldn't have a problem with keeping his commandments and not doing what he told them not to do if I was in there possition but then I realized that I have more than they could have ever dreamed of! I have SOOO many things that I don't know what to do with it all and yet I'm worse than Israel was, I'm not regular in prayer and I'm not regular in reading my bible (which is quit obvious) yet I have all these things that God has blessed me with and it's not just material it's so many different things and yet I'm still am consistently doing things that I know aren't what God want me to do and not doing what he wants of me.

That's what I've been thinking about this week, is how much I don't deserve and what I do deserve, yet how gracious and merciful God is to me.

10:51 AM  

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